Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Reflection from Hochiminh's thoughts class

Hanoi 1000 year anniversary is coming in just a few weeks with the exciting and joyful atmosphere widespread almost everywhere. Deeply involved in the process of preparation for numerous festivals and celebrations, people also cannot forget to talk about the brilliant and proud history of Hanoi in association with the process of nation protection and construction. On the occasion of this special event, I am interested in writing something about Hochiminh’s thoughts system that have guided Vietnam through the war time as well as the innovation era.

          Hochiminh’ thoughts has become a compulsory course in almost any university and college nowadays in Vietnam, as a way to remind the Vietnamese progressive youth of the wonderful and excellent school of thoughts created by our admiring president Hochiminh and a way to increase the national pride and patriotism. I’m taking this course every Monday afternoon and my teacher is so knowledgeable about this topic as well as the History of Communist Party of Vietnam. Teaching methods and Lecturing skills of her are quite attractive that give me provoking inspiration to write something about what I’ve learnt from this class.
The term Hochiminh’s thoughts has been popular with almost any  Vietnamese citizen no matter what age, gender and social class. And that has been mentioned almost anywhere in historical books, newspapers, TV programs, broadcasting networks. Yet until taking a course about this topic have I gained a deep and profound understanding about the main features and contents of that excellent ideology.
In fact, Hochiminh’s thoughts cover a system of comprehensive viewpoints of fundamental issues related to Vietnamese revolutions. His thoughts belong to Marxist-Leninist ideology, then with combination of positive ans progressive elements of Vietnam tradition and revolution to creat his own. He believed that in order for the revolution to gain success, there need to exist the combination of all class strengths (especially the alliance of worker and peasant class), a wise leadership of the powerful party and the creative application socialism into really current conditions of Vietnam.
Seven among the most important and fundamental viewpoints of our president with regard to the roots of national revolution, liberation and construction strategy can be summarized as followed:
1.     Hochiminh thought on national Questions, relationship between nation and class, national liberation and revolution:
  Core idea is that class interest and liberation must be attached to those of national interest and liberation
2.     Hochiminh thought on socialism and transitional path toward socialism
It’s believed that social transformation is necessary for building a new society that improves both material and cultural life of people. He set forth and pointed out clear strategy: “Jobs for all”, “healthcare for the sick”, “welfare for the old &n weak”, “education for all”, “backward customs & habits to be gradually abolished”.
3.     Hochiminh thoughts on great national unity
He concluded that: “Unity, unity and great unity; success, success and great success”
In order for the revolution to gain more success, we must unite party, all classes in society, unite between believers and non-believers to build a harmonious and comfortable life and Motherland.
4.     Hochiminh thoughts on the combination ò national strength and era strength
For him: “All lands are under one roof, all proletarian are brothers”
5.     Hochiminh thoughts on Vietnam Communnist party:
Founder of Vietnam Communist Party, HCM built and trained the party to become truly revolutionary with the strong affirmation that our party is a decisive factor in leading people to carry out work of national liberation and the unity of the country.
6.     HCM thoughts on building a state of people, by people and for people.
In the State, every interest, power and force belong to the people and people are the main force to bring about a happy life for themselves.
7.     Last but not least, Virtue and Ethics is the basis of Revolution but must go hand in hand with talent and good capability. Without one among them, great achievements are difficult to be obtained.
These old lessons have become long lasting for the past decades as a big mirror for generations of Vietnamese people to look at and follow. And the young generation like us nowadays have been trying a lot to live, study and work following the lessons from these excellent school of thoughts developed and nourished by our wonderful national great father!

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