Tuesday, November 9, 2010


It is approaching the national month for calling actions to prevent and act against HIV/AIDS. Vietnam has been a country putting significant effort for the past years to attract attention and participation of all people in the community to fight against HIV/AIDS. It is a millenium disease taking life of so many people in the world and causes immeasurable losses and negative inpact on our society.
By September 2010, the total number of people infected with HIV in Vietnam has exceeded 180,300, including more than 42,000 developed to full blown AIDS.
A big day called "The Vietnam Creative Day on HIV/AIDS prevention" is going to take place at the beginning of December this year as a campaign to call on individuals and organisations to present proposal on HIV/AIDS control method.
Personally, I believe that such a big campaign has been done year by year but infected people have not been given many chances enough to raise their voices in society to help community understand better about the way how to prevent the dissemination as they themselves have to endure that epidemic and have the strongest desire to take actions to fight against it than anyone else.

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