Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Promotion Month

This month is a good time for Hanoians as they are well treated with good and appealing promotion strategy. This campaign has been launched at the beginning of Nov as "Hanoi Promotion month", giving chance to me and other domestic comsumers buy both normal and high-end products with reasonable and cheaper than normal price.
This is a very good news to a regular consumer like me and my family members as we often make regular purchases of necessities for family consumption  every week. I and my mother often go to supermarkets at weekend and this is a good way for us to obtain goods at lower price.
This is believed to be a good campaign to attract domestic consumers to buy and use domestic products, encouraging and assissting domestic manufacturers in generating higher revenue and increasing competitive advantage.
However, I hope that the quality of products offered through this campaign is closedly maintained at good and acceptable level, as this has not been strictly monitored in previous campaigns when old, unfashinable items or even fake/faulty ones were offered at low quality level.

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