Tuesday, November 30, 2010


A visit to a primary school in Con Cuong, Nghe An province        

This is the last blog of UCHANU 2010, a course that left so many wonderful memories in my mind and made part of my student life up to now.
Joining the course is a good way to equip myself with a lot of good habits and skills. First one is keeping writing regular blog that is very useful in improving my writing skill, a habit that I hardly did everyweek before the course time. Though it is advised that writing diary regularly is a good way to enlarge our English vocabulary and the same time a way to review what you have done for a scheduled time, I haven't been able to get used to that for some reasons: too much attention to other activities and probably laziness also. However, from now on I would prefer to write something about main achievements and non-achievements weekly to just sitting silently and keeping everything in mind. It's a good way to improve writing skill as well as giving my mind a quick break.
Second is the skill to make good observation at every small daily situations and senarios. As a result of what I gained from studying about "development" in UCHANU class, almost any small daily situations convey certain meaningful messages in our life that can hardly been recognized if people don't try to dig deep into those. I learn a lot by observations through many wonderful field trips to factories, far and poor central areas... And I understand that development process in Vietnam is occuring at a very rapid rate, partly of that come from development of just small and ordinary activities in daily life.
Another very important skill is to make interviews to people. As part of our project, I had chance to take the role of an amateur reporter who conduct several interviews to different job holders in society. Interviewing people with high-ranking as well as low-ranking jobs, both require me to be able to equip myself with good communication skill and ability to pose the right questions at the right time. By doing this, I have opportunity to practise a little bit journalism skill which is one of my hobbies that I probably can follow up in the future.

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