Tuesday, November 30, 2010


A visit to a primary school in Con Cuong, Nghe An province        

This is the last blog of UCHANU 2010, a course that left so many wonderful memories in my mind and made part of my student life up to now.
Joining the course is a good way to equip myself with a lot of good habits and skills. First one is keeping writing regular blog that is very useful in improving my writing skill, a habit that I hardly did everyweek before the course time. Though it is advised that writing diary regularly is a good way to enlarge our English vocabulary and the same time a way to review what you have done for a scheduled time, I haven't been able to get used to that for some reasons: too much attention to other activities and probably laziness also. However, from now on I would prefer to write something about main achievements and non-achievements weekly to just sitting silently and keeping everything in mind. It's a good way to improve writing skill as well as giving my mind a quick break.
Second is the skill to make good observation at every small daily situations and senarios. As a result of what I gained from studying about "development" in UCHANU class, almost any small daily situations convey certain meaningful messages in our life that can hardly been recognized if people don't try to dig deep into those. I learn a lot by observations through many wonderful field trips to factories, far and poor central areas... And I understand that development process in Vietnam is occuring at a very rapid rate, partly of that come from development of just small and ordinary activities in daily life.
Another very important skill is to make interviews to people. As part of our project, I had chance to take the role of an amateur reporter who conduct several interviews to different job holders in society. Interviewing people with high-ranking as well as low-ranking jobs, both require me to be able to equip myself with good communication skill and ability to pose the right questions at the right time. By doing this, I have opportunity to practise a little bit journalism skill which is one of my hobbies that I probably can follow up in the future.

Friday, November 26, 2010

My lovely team Cucumber:X

Around 3 months being a member of UCHANU and having chance to work in a group with nice+kute+funny cucumber members, I have learnt a lot of great lessons.
In terms of group work, it seems not easy at all to make a project in my major class with members who are Vietnames friends of the same age. And it even turns out to be more challenging when you work with people from different culture, different perspectives and different languages. However, team cucumber has been able to function well thanks to the great dedication of all members. And the lesson that I think the most important factor contributing to group efficiency is how we together can maintain high team spirit and cohesion. Each of us has our own schedule with parttime job, service class, major class and so many other stuffs in our time table. And too busy with these stuffs sometimes make us forget about group progress. Hence, we've decided to set up a specific day for group meeting and then meet regularly each week to discuss about what has and has not been done. This is not just for project reason, as it seems to be a straint that links all members together through food, drink and so many other interesting sharing +chitchat.
Second lesson I can learn is about time-management and self-adjustment. Planning time for making interviews to us is not easy as some are busy at beginning of the week but the others just free at weekend. And the problem is that all members would like to come to the interview to have chance understand more about another job in Vietnamese society. And in order to find out the best option, there were many times I need to change my own working and personal shedule to match with the others. That's a necessary part of group work.
Additionally, group work also teaches me a lot of communication skill. Somtimes we've to debate about how to conduct the interview most effectively and also make real comments about each other contribution and quality of others' products. That definitely helps me improve my communication skill in English.
I myself have tried a lot to be a responsible member and devote effort to cucumber group. Frequently update and respond to group suggestions and request through email, mobile and othet channels, I always want to contribute as much as I can to group success through finding contacts and persuading people to help us conduct the interview in a most comfortable way. However, recently several misfortunes have made me lack of time to attend group meetings to enjoy wonderful moments with cucumber kids. Yet, my enthusiasm to cucumber has never reduced.
Cucumber Kids: Son, Lena, Van, Miki and Lan (from left to right)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


It is approaching the national month for calling actions to prevent and act against HIV/AIDS. Vietnam has been a country putting significant effort for the past years to attract attention and participation of all people in the community to fight against HIV/AIDS. It is a millenium disease taking life of so many people in the world and causes immeasurable losses and negative inpact on our society.
By September 2010, the total number of people infected with HIV in Vietnam has exceeded 180,300, including more than 42,000 developed to full blown AIDS.
A big day called "The Vietnam Creative Day on HIV/AIDS prevention" is going to take place at the beginning of December this year as a campaign to call on individuals and organisations to present proposal on HIV/AIDS control method.
Personally, I believe that such a big campaign has been done year by year but infected people have not been given many chances enough to raise their voices in society to help community understand better about the way how to prevent the dissemination as they themselves have to endure that epidemic and have the strongest desire to take actions to fight against it than anyone else.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Promotion Month

This month is a good time for Hanoians as they are well treated with good and appealing promotion strategy. This campaign has been launched at the beginning of Nov as "Hanoi Promotion month", giving chance to me and other domestic comsumers buy both normal and high-end products with reasonable and cheaper than normal price.
This is a very good news to a regular consumer like me and my family members as we often make regular purchases of necessities for family consumption  every week. I and my mother often go to supermarkets at weekend and this is a good way for us to obtain goods at lower price.
This is believed to be a good campaign to attract domestic consumers to buy and use domestic products, encouraging and assissting domestic manufacturers in generating higher revenue and increasing competitive advantage.
However, I hope that the quality of products offered through this campaign is closedly maintained at good and acceptable level, as this has not been strictly monitored in previous campaigns when old, unfashinable items or even fake/faulty ones were offered at low quality level.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Last week, we had an interesting field trip to a textile and garment factory named Hanosimex. It's located around 2 km from my living area yet that was the first time I have had chance to have a thorough view around such a big factory like that.
We received warm welcome from the board of management and one among them was a graduate from Hanoi university around 20 years ago.
At first, we watched a nice introduction video clip about the development and achievements of the Corporation. Then we were taken around the premise of the factory, visiting 3 main working areas: thread and fibre production, sewing area and finished-product exhibition.
My first impression when looking around the fibre production area was its bad and noisy working condition. All female and male workers have to wear masks and there are a huge number of big machines running and operating. We have to shout or at least speak loudly if we want to be heard. From my observation, workers there are quite hard-working and it seems their working attitudes are quite positive, reflecting by their facial expression. 


However, the dust and noise from such working comdition may result in some kinds of occupational hazards like skin irritation, deaf, back pain (as most of them have to stand or walk along the aisle to do some repeated tasks).
Leaving the first area, we visisted the sewing area where female workers accounted for around 80% of the labor force. The working condition here seems to be better with adequate light and fan systems and everyone have their own tables with sewing machines.
They sat in line and rows and concentrate well in their job except some curious eyes turning to our crew to see what's happening.
And I tried to make a quick interview to a very young and beautiful female worker about her feeling of her job. She is only 19 years old and has been working there for just around 3 months and in her traning period. Salary for an apprentice during training time is just VND 950,000. But after deduction for the 2 meal expenses provided by the factory, she only gets VND450,000 left for her daily living expenses. I asked her the reason why she chose to work in a factory but not another kind of job, she told me about her failure to get higher education to University and College and the decision to work in a factory as a way to contribute financially to her family. "I plan to work here for a long time as human resource policy of my factory is quite good and I can manage my living expenses with the salary I earn. It's going to increase soon after I finish my traning period."
The field trip has provided me with more real knowledge of what I learn from the text book about the life and working condition of factory workers. It's true that working condition in a factory is not good enough for female workers and if company does not have good policy to protect rights and provide approriate compensation to their employees in case of occupational hazards, company may have more difficulty in hiring labor force in case of need.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010



Is what we wear everyday causing harm to our environment?
Not exactly, it is the process of manufacturing these clothes or the way they are discarded when wearing out directly cause the harm to environment.
That is what I remembered most after the exciting and intereting workshop we organized last week as a regularly weekly activity of my "Talking Green Club".
"Eco-fashion, a trend or a must" is the main topic of our discussion that is aimed at making participants and members be more aware of the effect of what we wear on our environment and the recent trend that more and more international famous fashion designers are trying to produce garments made from natural fabrics and by responsible production techniques.
The workshop is sponsored by several celebrated textile and garment companies in Vietnam like Viet Tien or Thai Tuan.
Interestingly, most participants expressed that they hardly pay attention to the eco-fachion trend emerging for the past years and have little idea about what eco-fachion really means.
 In fact, eco-fachion is about making clothes tha take into account the environment, health of consumers and working condition of people in the fashion insustry. Eco-fashion are often made using organic materials, such as cotton grown without pesticide and silk made by worm fed on organic trees. Also, they are often made from recycled and reused textiles.
However, participants were rasing their confuse about how to identify these eco-clothes easily when going shopping. Many retailers selling their products are still claiming them to be eco-friendlywhile in reality only a small part such as cotton is organic and the other manufacaturing processes are ruthless to the environment.
Hence, sponsors like Viet Tien expressed their approval of raising ideas to the Government and other agencies of textile industry about the need to giving licence to stamp a label on any garments containing eco-credentials.
Thanks to this workshop, I become more aware of my own clothes purchase habit and behaviour, especially paying more attention to buy such clothes that can last long and made from natural fabrics instead of easily being worn out.


Last week, we discussed at class about prostitution as a kind of job making people who do that easily being excluded from society.
I just have some additional thoughts about this kind of job as it is quite available aroud my living area almost every night. Whenever coming back home a bit late because of parties with friends or some other reasons, I often drive through the small lane leading to my living area, seeing many young call-girls with colourful make-up and sexy dressing standing along the way.
When I was small, I did wonder a lot of time about the reason why this type of job has been so long-lasting in our Vietnamese society where the moral culture and tradition is always well preserved. And why prostitutes are committed to do that job while there are thousands of other jobs that still can provide them with income?
Growing up, I understand that this is such a complicated question to have a perfectly single correct answer. Primarily, the major reason prostitutes enter the trade is due to unemployment and poverty. Many girls are engaged in prostitution at a very young age and a recent trend that some students even use prostitutes as a means of supporting themselves through college. However, it is also true to accept a fact that prostitute is related to real need in life. it is because there are many people who don't marry or are widowed but they have the need for sex.
Also, this kind of sex industry tends to grow up with the development of society. Richer men want to spend their extra money for some relaxation purposes and may find having sex with some employees of massage centers and karaoke bars. And tourism industry develops that make it easier for transnational call-girl rings to be set up in collusion with tour guides.
Nevertheless, prostitution is still needed to put under strict control as a way to preserve community health and order. Hence, I believe that a red-light zone should be set up, granting certificates to prostitutes and enhance decriminalisation against prostitutes. As this is an indispensable need for humans, banning it is impossible and harsh prohibition law undoubtedly will encourage disguised prostitution.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Hanoi with Mid-Autumn

This week has been signaled by one of the most wonderful festival for Vietnamese children: Mid-Autumn Festival. It is one of the most important festivals in the year of Vietnam when family members gather for a feast and children dance and parade with colorful lanterns and cakes in the moonlight. The atmosphere of Hanoi has become warmer and excited even several weeks before the main day of festival. Everywhere local cake shops selling Moon-cakes of different brand names such as Kinhdo, Huu Nghi, Hanoi, Bibica… have made Hanoi streets full of brilliantly red color. Streets turn out to be more crowded, even not in the peak hours because there are more commercial activities supporting for the Mid-Autumn business transaction, and also people are busy with visiting friends, relatives, family members and even current and potential corporate partners with a set of delicious moon cakes to strengthen relationship.
Last weekend, I and my close friends also decided to make a quick travel around Luong Van Can and Hang Ma street, two busiest areas in Hanoi famous for children toys to have a look at recent trends and design for children toys during this special occasion. Although shops on Luong Van Van are flooded with Chinese toys of various types and designs, those nearby Hang Ma display more made-in- Vietnam toys. Its seems that now Vietnamese parents favor traditional hand-made toys for their children  compared with Chinese imported ones because of the safety, reasonable price and the historical value that local bring about. Traditional toys such as drums, masks of various shapes and lanterns in the shape of 5-star, rabbit, lotus still dtand out to be the most preferred items among Vietnamese parents and children. Walking along a shop in Hang Ma street, we heard the voice of a father explaining to the shop owner for his choice of a drum as Mid-Autumn present for his children: “ I choose this because I’d like my son to know about what my parents, my wife and I used to play when we were small. Also, Chinese imports are dangerous. Who knows which harmful substances can affect our children”.
I felt extremely happy to in accident hear that comment. This prove that traditional toys still have their own position in heart and mind of our local, approving that traditional beauty and customs are still considered as an important part in this modern life with so many rapid and unbelievable changes.
Traditionally, when the moon is at its fullest and roundest, there are often a procession with 5-star shape lanterns and lion and dragon dances which are held almost every provinces and local area. In my local living area, The Youth Union combined with local authorities organized a very big celebration with star-shaped procession and a competition on fruit and moon-cake decoration. All kids of all ages participated and it made a very joyful and bustling atmosphere with sparkling lights of candles around the whole street. Members of 13 local Youth Union gathered and prepared for the fruit decoration and carving competition. 
Outstanding product for fruit decoration competition among local Youth Union

Outstanding product for fruit decoration competition among local Youth Union

S-shaped of Vietnam made by fruits and flowers

The area was has become a big meeting point full of joyful laughter and talk. It reminds me of by wonderful childhood moments, and also the portrait and image of President Hochiminh everywhere around the place make me think of 2 sentences in a poem depicting the enormous love of our president towards Vietnamese children:
“The Autumn moon shine as bright as a mirror
  Uncle Ho thinks of children as the Uncle gazes as the moon”

A thought of Poverty

To prepare for class discussion related to the topic of poverty, each student’s required to ask several local people about their opinions and viewpoints regarding to this problem. I did try to approach to two people with different income level to see whether their ideas have any common as well as conflicting points to comment about that. In fact, it turned out that both shared the similar thought on poverty in terms of material life, expressing that poverty is a condition that almost everyone wants to escape from because of the lack in fundamental living conditions. Nevertheless, the woman who is department head with monthly salary counted in US thousand unit seemed to focus more on the access to social capital and social exclusion point when comparing between the poor and non-poor aspect. With the conception of a banker, she expressed: “Poor people in society never have chance to borrow a certain amount of money from the bank because of their high probability of default risk”. That’s a typical fact, with the exception of just few social policy that guarantee provided by Bank of Social Policy can become the reliable source to release limited funds to help the poor. Additionally, she also pointed out the non-monetary disadvantages that the poor have to suffer like powerlessness, lack of self-representation and freedom.

 In fact, poverty is a very complex social issue and it differs from people to people in terms of definition and characteristics. Some people, though full of everything needed to support for a luxurious life yet still claim that they haven’t enjoyed the happiness of life because of their poor spiritual life. And people have mo limit for satisfaction, once they got something yet looking to others around them and found out that they haven’t achieved what the others have, they become jealousy and do everything to be as equally fashionable and successful as the others.
To me, poverty is a multi-dimensional conception and if I have to make a short definition by myself, it would be said that poverty is both a monetary and non-monetary problem that lead to consequences everyone in society has to pay the price, no matter personally whether you have experienced a poor life or not.
I’ve read a recent news that Vietnam and Gana are the two nations in the world that have gained a lot of success in the campaign implementation of poverty reduction, with significantly high rate of people literacy. That’s a happy news, yet we still have many things to do if we want this achievements continue to be developed and received powerful progress in a long term schedule.

Reflection from Hochiminh's thoughts class

Hanoi 1000 year anniversary is coming in just a few weeks with the exciting and joyful atmosphere widespread almost everywhere. Deeply involved in the process of preparation for numerous festivals and celebrations, people also cannot forget to talk about the brilliant and proud history of Hanoi in association with the process of nation protection and construction. On the occasion of this special event, I am interested in writing something about Hochiminh’s thoughts system that have guided Vietnam through the war time as well as the innovation era.

          Hochiminh’ thoughts has become a compulsory course in almost any university and college nowadays in Vietnam, as a way to remind the Vietnamese progressive youth of the wonderful and excellent school of thoughts created by our admiring president Hochiminh and a way to increase the national pride and patriotism. I’m taking this course every Monday afternoon and my teacher is so knowledgeable about this topic as well as the History of Communist Party of Vietnam. Teaching methods and Lecturing skills of her are quite attractive that give me provoking inspiration to write something about what I’ve learnt from this class.
The term Hochiminh’s thoughts has been popular with almost any  Vietnamese citizen no matter what age, gender and social class. And that has been mentioned almost anywhere in historical books, newspapers, TV programs, broadcasting networks. Yet until taking a course about this topic have I gained a deep and profound understanding about the main features and contents of that excellent ideology.
In fact, Hochiminh’s thoughts cover a system of comprehensive viewpoints of fundamental issues related to Vietnamese revolutions. His thoughts belong to Marxist-Leninist ideology, then with combination of positive ans progressive elements of Vietnam tradition and revolution to creat his own. He believed that in order for the revolution to gain success, there need to exist the combination of all class strengths (especially the alliance of worker and peasant class), a wise leadership of the powerful party and the creative application socialism into really current conditions of Vietnam.
Seven among the most important and fundamental viewpoints of our president with regard to the roots of national revolution, liberation and construction strategy can be summarized as followed:
1.     Hochiminh thought on national Questions, relationship between nation and class, national liberation and revolution:
  Core idea is that class interest and liberation must be attached to those of national interest and liberation
2.     Hochiminh thought on socialism and transitional path toward socialism
It’s believed that social transformation is necessary for building a new society that improves both material and cultural life of people. He set forth and pointed out clear strategy: “Jobs for all”, “healthcare for the sick”, “welfare for the old &n weak”, “education for all”, “backward customs & habits to be gradually abolished”.
3.     Hochiminh thoughts on great national unity
He concluded that: “Unity, unity and great unity; success, success and great success”
In order for the revolution to gain more success, we must unite party, all classes in society, unite between believers and non-believers to build a harmonious and comfortable life and Motherland.
4.     Hochiminh thoughts on the combination Ă² national strength and era strength
For him: “All lands are under one roof, all proletarian are brothers”
5.     Hochiminh thoughts on Vietnam Communnist party:
Founder of Vietnam Communist Party, HCM built and trained the party to become truly revolutionary with the strong affirmation that our party is a decisive factor in leading people to carry out work of national liberation and the unity of the country.
6.     HCM thoughts on building a state of people, by people and for people.
In the State, every interest, power and force belong to the people and people are the main force to bring about a happy life for themselves.
7.     Last but not least, Virtue and Ethics is the basis of Revolution but must go hand in hand with talent and good capability. Without one among them, great achievements are difficult to be obtained.
These old lessons have become long lasting for the past decades as a big mirror for generations of Vietnamese people to look at and follow. And the young generation like us nowadays have been trying a lot to live, study and work following the lessons from these excellent school of thoughts developed and nourished by our wonderful national great father!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A resettlement area - Not really a good exchange

A quick snack before start time!!!

Another week has passed and I have a feeling that time flows too quick since joining this wonderful course. The second field trip is to a new urban development area named Dich Vong, which is in Cau Giay district.
To be honest, this area is out of my expectation because at first I hoped to pick up one luxurious complex that is often called paradise of Hanoi like Ciputra or The Mannor. Anyway, we welcomed any place to discover as having a good time hanging around with other group members is a great thing already and any place has its own special features to explore.

As a result of our findings, Dich Vong new urban development area actually is a resettlement area to meet the accommodation need for a group of people whose houses and lands are acquired for public project construction. It’s been finished since the beginning of last year. As a result of that, the area is not surrounded by many public services and not self-contained. Around 15 blocks are put together to creat a somehow messy area yet they lack some features of “global identity” and modernity like the other luxurious trade-apartment-hotel complexes. 
One representing block of Dich Vong area

Everything seems to be created in a hurry way just temporarily enough to meet the urgent demand of land acquisition. A wide array of functions that support the modern life of good living, learning and recreation are not seriously considered by investors and project holders, reflected by the fact that so many things on our list are impossible to be found within walking distance, such as schools, police offices and hospitals.
We could figure out where to find stuffs for life within surrounding locations on the main street called Nguyen Phong Sac and it seems that there are more new shops and stalls on this street opened just to meet the increasing demand of a portion of new population moving to this place.
Inside the area we did locate a small fitness center where locals can practice some sports or do gymnastics regularly but the outside architecture is quite old and unattractive. And cost of living around the premises is quite reasonable, just normal as the other ordinary living places near my house as most of the people there belong to medium-income class.
One interesting point I was a little bit surprised is another real reflection of our old lesson about inside-out when noticing a big pot in the facial shape on the pavement where people often burn paper objects for the death or to the God of Earth governing that area on some special days. It’s so odd to do such a ritual thing outside on the pavement!
Example of inside-out: A ritual burning pot on the pavement

If I can choose my living place, there will be no time this area appearing in my mind as it lack a lot of necessary public services for a normal life and the architecture is not attractive at all.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

^_^Hanoi Old Streets ^_^

Spending the whole childhood in Hanoi, I’m quite familiar with many routes in this lovely city and therefore the two streets, Luong Dinh Cua and Hoang Tich Tri are not an exception. I got acquainted to them firstly through some wonderful yummy junk food stalls which are regular meeting points where I and a group of my close friends often spend time together., through many flower shops where I bought presents to my teacher on their Vietnamese Teacher’s Day. And so many other special occasions. Yet a little bit pity that there was no requirements listed as “buying a bunch of flower” or “eating a dish of boiled snail and grilled oysters” so that these specializations of these streets can be taken advantage of^_^.
Disregarding the weather forecast, we did enjoy our exploration trip on a rainy and wet morning. Nonetheless, bad weather condition couldn’t stop our enthusiasm and eagerness. The route seems to be more exciting when walking under umbrellas and making jokes with other lovely and friendly group members.
The two streets we did visit had a kind of architecture reflecting traditional and old features, a reminiscent of Vietnam a long time ago. Totally different from some kind of big and giant complexes arising recently as a consequence of urban planning and development like Ciputra or the Manor, they are the places mostly comprising of old residential housing and commercial stores. Along the long and narrow streets are parallel rows of various stores and small “kiot”, especially at the very first section of the street you can find many colorful and beautiful flowery shops that are extremely crowded in peak special occasions like Valentine or Teacher’s Day. Standing along the street are also a thick row of old and big trees that experiencing so many events day by day, where you can sit under for shadow on rainy and hot summer days. This is a good feature among many Hanoi’s streets where trees are gradually cut down for land acquisitions and the green space is being lost.
Spending time walking around, I did notice that these streets have full living amenities and services like the place within my house. There is a big market, called Kim Lien market at the end of Luong Dinh Cua where you can find everything to prepare for a delicious meal. I’m fascinated to live in an area where it just takes me a few minutes walk to the market as cooking is one of my hobbies and going to market every morning to buy fresh food has become on e of my habbits. Besides that, other living and learning services such as stadium, police offices for emergency of reporting a thief case, post office for monthly newspaper subscription, elementary school where my future kids can attend are within in a convenient way. Next to the area about 1 km walk is two famous hospitals, one of which is the workplace of my brother. At the very start of the main route next to Luong Dinh Cua is the location of a big supermarkets where electronic appliances can be found and a nearby is recreational center full of interesting entertainment activities.
The living expenses there are quite reasonable as our experiences suggested by interviewing a lot of people going around the market.
It is also a relatively clean street as we did notice there were several orange clad women descend on the city to sweep the streets and carted away the day’s trash.
From all of these, I feel it good to live in such a place where I can find everything for my life in an convenient way at reasonable cost. They are one of the most picturesque old cities in Hanoi undergone an exotic decay. Hopefully that these sceneries with such traditional architecture can still be kept as a way to make Hanoi more special in this so-called “urban development” age and time.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

*_*Discovering about the job of a Prison Guard*_*

Gig is a really fascinating book that are full of real-life description about every corner of various kinds of careers and jobs that were successfully collected after a deep and professional chain of interviews. It seems that readers can take chance to explore and dig a deep hole to understand how good and bad features of each career type in American society are in association with how delighted and depressed Americans do feel about their selection of what they do to earn a living. Among what I’ve read, an interview with a prison guard probably gives me the most impressions as it provides me with a very realistic look and thorough understanding about the type of job that did have it better than newspaper exporters or photojournalists, according to a list of the 20 worst jobs in the US, basing on criteria such as environment, income, physical demand and stress.

The emphasis on regular tasks and responsibilities, challenges and the way the guard deals with these obstacles combined with his very concerns of the inmates around him has understandably remained at the centre of the interview.

One of the first reason why this interview has attracted my attention a lot may land at the fact that it’s attacked at a type of career that most people regard as mentally and physically-harmed because prison guards are frequently required to intervene in volatile situations to prevent violent outbreaks in prison population. And at first, in my imagination most prison guards more or less are often abuse or beat or cause some kind of brutality to prisoners.

But the actual thing I can figure out after reading this interview result turns out to be the opposite. The man interviewed does have great empathy for people. That is such a human interaction when he revealed that he would never yell at the inmates and even when they started yelling, he started whispering. These norms of interaction does show that the guard treat prisoners very respectfully, primarily because he’s concerned that no one would ever be allowed to abuse their position of authority to assault another human being. And the interview has become more successful when it continued to give the interviewee more comfortable feeling to express all about his concern to inmates suffering from mental illness. He said that he felt sorry for a guide who couldn’t even spell a some very simple words. How kind he is! In fact, prison is the place where there is no oversight and therefore no quality control. And when no oversight is had, personalities tend to warp into sadism. But the man in the interview is totally on the opposite. He has some compassion and human sentiment inside when seeing prisoners in bad mental disability as well as delightedness when exposed to some daily questions from smart and funny inmates.

Furthermore, the success of the interview also lies in the way he is encouraged to share about the overwhelming challenges he has to face with when doing the tasks. There is no doubt from the interview that a guard life is very stressful depending on the daily work and the relationship with all other inmates. That is true if you say prison guards have so many things to be afraid of. The man in this story did express about his fear to be attacked by some one among 68 inmates in the prison. And the psychological problem seems to be worse when he knows that inmates aren’t respectful to him. They even pester him and stuff. Yet, magically, he still tries to overcome his fear and stress by getting involved in the new working place with few prejudices to color his perception. What kind of strong and admirable man he is!

Prisons is another world that evolved to a complicated society where its own version of events is take as reality and believed. And the interview has made me understand more about this complex yet quite dangerous world trough the image of a very brave and sensitive guard who can “feel the pain” of that society’s citizens.

Monday, August 16, 2010

-----------One ticket back to my childhood------------

Why do you have to be famous to write an autobiography?

Though there is no doubt that Kings, queens, presidents, scientists, singers, poets… are often the subjects of autobiographies, lesser-known or even unknown-to-the-world characters have also furnished interesting biographies as everyone comes from a specific region and particular family with self-culture that seems to be different as well as interesting to others. And I take my time writing about personal history up to date not just as a way to complete an assignment in UCHANU class. Interestingly, it may turn out to be a new start for me to give birth to a big memoir about my life until my death to bequeath with pride to my children and grandchildren^_^. Who knows, if I can become someone big someday, this may be the very first part of a long autobiography standing out in the best seller list, hahahaha…………..

Hanoi on a rainy day a long, long time ago…..Wind blew so hard……….Breaking the silence of a dark and rainy night , in a crowded hospital, I was brought into the world with one 4-year older sister looking on. My birthday is somehow a special day for all the doctors and nurses in that hospital and the others as well bs it’s the national Doctor’s Day (27, February) when everyone pays great respect and gratitude to those kind of people who help cure diseases and save lives of thousands of people. I find myself have a big honor and luck to be born on that meaningful day, and it cannot be denied that its special feature really makes my friends and relatives easily remember my birthday also^_^.

Belonging to young generation that’ re born after the war in the inner city, I found my childhood seem to be quite sweet and peaceful with my lovely, kind and beautiful elder sister and my great parents. My father used to be a police man (as he followed the traditional career of my grandfather) and my mother used to be a civil server but now both of them have retired and spent most of their time at home taking care of the housework, their ornamental trees and pets.

A deep memory in my mind about my childhood is a great bunch of myths and fairy tales that my grandmother told me when I was in the age of 4 and 5. Vietnam is a land of fantasy and imagination and therefore my mother tried to take advantage of an old collection of legend and myths to give me useful moral lessons and principles of correct Confucian behavior. Every night before going to bed, I’s told about 4 to 5 legends with a variety of topics, ranging from historical and respectful record such as the legend of “Sword Lake” (at the center of Hanoi) or the creation of the Vietnamese race (who’re dragon and fairy’s grandchildren) to daily domestic issues in folk stories about hardworking husband and lazy wife. Thanks to all of this, I’ve realized about quite a few rules of life that still guide me throughout my life up to now: pride coming before a fall, the weak overcoming the strong through virtue and purity.

The time when I came to primary and secondary school was also full of memories that remind me of so many unforgettable moments. So many Vietnamese traditional games were accompanied with my childhood such as the game of dragon-snake, cat and mouse game which is somehow similar to the American game called “Duck, Duck, Goose” and “Bit mat bat de” which is literally translated as “catching a goat while blindfolded”, which is known to American children as “blind man’s bluff”. Once I even had my little arm nearly broken due to some unlucky accidents during the game and that made my parents both worried and angry at me for the fact that I couldn’t take care of myself.

Later since joining secondary school, I spent less and less time playing traditional games like these. I’s somehow busy with my class and school extra-curricular activities as I’s promoted as the Secretary of Union. Also, during this time I started discover about my favorite subject that are chemistry and math. I often spent a lot of time to solve challenging mathematical problems with as many creative solution as possible and even there’s one night I skip dinner to stay at my table for the whole night just to figure out the solution for a big problem. I did get several prizes in the math contests of talented students at district and city level that made my parents very happy. That certainly served as big motivation for me to continue making more and more progress to study harder. Besides that, my sister is a big mirror for me to look at as she seems to be a perfect girl who’s not only beautiful but also extremely smart. I’m particularly fortunate to receive her guidance and support throughout my study, both large and small.

Gradually, the little girl grew up into a high school and then university student and became more mature in life. And my own personal traits, personality and characters have been formed after a long time of getting education from parents, teachers, friends as well as adaption with the living environment around. My father always wants me to become a strong girl who has the personality of a good police officer. He did tell me many times that as I’m the daughter of a policeman, I am supposed to develop for myself 3 important personal traits: Courage (though realizing the fear of danger but need to proceed in the fact of it with calmness and firmness), Integrity (truthfulness and honesty) and loyalty (faithfulness to country, seniors and subordinates).

Thanks God I’ve inherited and developed for my self these characters because I understand that life is full of ups and downs and those valuable traits are certainly magic tools by which I can guide myself throughout bad moments. Hence, whenever facing any challenging or sad time, I often remember about all caring lessons from my father and keep smiling and tell others that “I’m OK and everything will be fine”. That is my father teaches me how to be a positive thinker. And this definitely help me become a good and successful monitor in my class at university when my own personal traits contribute greatly to the way I lead and treat others.

Besides that, I inherited from my mother caring and great consideration. To me, my mother is also a big friend to whom I can talk and share all kind of stories. That’s why my mother is always the first person who knows all of my secrets and feelings. She told me that the biggest happiness that a woman had in her life was taking care of her family. And she’s taught me to cook a lot of delicious and traditional cuisines, which partly becomes main reason why cooking is one of my hobbies. And holiday is the time I can show off in my kitchen with Pho, Bun Bo Hue, Spring Roll, frog curry and so many other healthy Vietnamese seafood.
I’m so grateful to my parents for their struggle to earn a living to raise me up and the great education that I have been provided together with their enthusiastic encouragement that they have given me.

My product-Delicious hot-pot!!!

In addition to cooking, I’m fascinated with another activity: doing voluntary jobs. I feel myself lucky enough to be looked after by both parents and have chance to get full education. Thus, it makes me feel regretful and sorry for those children who suffer from misfortune and get no chance to live a good life beside their parents, the disabled ones or who have to earn a living at an early age by shining shoes, collecting garbage. They are worth receiving consideration from the society in general and help from local volunteers in particular. That’s the reason why I’ve participated in quite a lot of social activities as I want to contribute my little effort and energy to contribute to enhance community improvement and make life better.

New Year Celebration for Children in Second House at an NGO

A voluntary campaign to raise green lifestyle among local inhabitants
We volunteers taught children at an SOS village how to make postcards

Besides hobbies that make part of person’s life meaningful, aims and future wishes make people live and act with goals. Personally, I believe that passion for making continuous personal growth is the golden key to lifelong improvement and advancement, which cannot be easily attained with natural talent only. As I believe that there are two kinds of people: Those who had experienced life as if it’s handed to them, with one luxury after another, and those who work for what they achieve and thus place a higher value on each of their achievements. And I know that my parents and myself, to a lesser extent were part of the second group. With this deep personal perception, I always take responsibility to pursue a continuous and progressive growth process day by day. Mentioning about personal wishes for the next 4 months, the first point is my plan to study well all of the four subjects in my majors and pass the final exams with flying colors. Then it is my intention to devote as much as I can to help our lovely UC students study Vietnamese well and explore more about 2-dimensional Hanoi: static inside dynamic, a city where I was born and grew up which is both elegant and deleting, both refine and crude. Actually, I’m not some kind of people who is ambitious. I tend not to live in a rush, trying to think about present and not think too much about both the past and future. Yet I always try to get what I’m determined to do and gain.

I’ve temporarily stepped outside the current life and tied together several interesting elements in my life story and crafted them into an engaging biography. As an old saying goes “Diversity is the spice of life”, I’ve been seeking more and more spices to put into my life so that I can have a more “delicious” autobiography full of scents and tastes later on.